A Story about Fortune–Telling
בן-דב, ניצה/Ben-Dov, Nitza |
2013 |
Trumah |
article |
עד הנהגרמניה |
Fantasies of Deviance in Mendele and Agnon
Aberbach, David |
1994 |
AJS Review |
article |
סיפור פשוט, תמול שלשום |
What Flaubert Taught Agnon
אלטר, אורי/Alter, Robert |
Liberties |
article |
סיפור פשוט |
Agnon vs. Shakespeare
Gemara, Shlomo |
2025-02-05 |
The Avrum Rosensweig Show |
article |
The Stranger
Blocker, Joel |
1967-01-02 |
Newsweek |
article |
זכרונות, נובל |
Europe, Israel and America in the Twentieth Century
אזרחי, סדרה דיקובן/Ezrahi, Sidra DeKoven |
2024 |
Prooftexts |
article |
תמול שלשום |
Half Faith, Half Heresy: Between S.Y. Agnon and Gershom Scholem
סאקס, יוסף/Saks, Jeffrey |
2025-01-23 |
SeforimBlog |
SeforimBlog |
article |
ביוגראפי |
Translating the Hidden Corners of a Culture
Leviant, Curt |
2025-01-22 |
Agnon House |
Agnon House |
online_article |
Upon One Stone: S.Y. Agnon and the Son of Rabbi Adam Baal Shem
Torczyner, Mordechai |
2025-01-19 |
YUTorah |
online_article |
על אבן אחת |
Romanticization and Criticism in Agnon’s Poland Stories: Polish Jewry as an Archetype of a Jewish Community in the Exile
Kotlerman, Ber |
2016 |
Polin |
Littman |
chapter |
קדומות, גשם, משומרים לבקר, הלב והעינים |
Agnon’s “At the Outset of the Day”: Body, Text, Interpretation
סתיו, שירה/Stav, Shira |
2023 |
Unsettling Jewish Knowledge |
University of Pennsylvania Press |
chapter |
עם כניסת היום |
The Unreasonable Economy of Martyrdom in S.Y. Agnon’s “Holocaust Fiction”
פלדמן, יעל/Feldman, Yael S. |
2023 |
Unsettling Jewish Knowledge |
University of Pennsylvania Press |
chapter |
הסימן, אורח נטה ללון |
S.Y. Agnon: Word Systems and Translation
אפק, עדנה/Aphek, Edna,Tobin, Yishai |
1981 |
Text & Talk |
article |
האדונית והרוכללשון, שפה |
Agnon, A Story
Stern, David |
1973 |
Response 17 |
article |
The Web of Biblical Allusion
בן-דב, ניצה/Ben-Dov, Nitza |
1993 |
Agnon's Art of Indirection |
Brill |
chapter |
Shmuel Yoseph Agnon: Baptism By Fire
הירשפלד, אריאל/Hirschfeld, Ariel |
2016 |
Makers of Jewish Modernity |
Princeton University Press |
chapter |
Polish History, Jewish Meaning
לאור, דן/Laor, Dan |
2010 |
Polish and Hebrew Literature and National Identity |
Elipsa |
chapter |
“Poland” as Promised Land
בן-דב, ניצה/Ben-Dov, Nitza |
2010 |
Polish and Hebrew Literature and National Identity |
Elipsa |
chapter |
במצולות |
On Lea Goldberg & S.Y. Agnon
אלטר, אורי/Alter, Robert |
1970 |
Commentary |
article |
הספד |
An Afternoon with Agnon
/Hochman, Baruch |
1988 |
The American Scholar |
article |
עגונותזכרונות |
Follow the Goat
Rosen, Jonathan |
2008-09-09 |
Tablet |
article |
מעשה העז |
Barukh Kurzweil: The Sensibility of Weimar Germany in Ramat Gan
Diamond, James S. |
1980 |
Go and Study |
B'nai Brith Hillel |
chapter |
The Orthodox Jew as Intellectual Crank
/Singer, David |
1990-09-01 |
First Things |
article |
Ironic Characterization in the Work of S.Y. Agnon
פוקס, אסתר/Fuchs, Esther |
1983 |
AJS Review |
article |
הגבאים, עד עולם |
The Return of the Soldier: Agnon’s Novels of the First World War
Abramson, Glenda |
2014 |
Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook |
article |
עד הנה, בחנותו של מר לובליןמלחמה |